Week 6

These are some of the thoughts that leaped into my mind at various times this week.

Feeling guilty about being a fair weather fan. Yes…I am. If the Cincinnati Reds were winning, I’d be right there cheering them on. But another long season looms ahead and I’m not excited about it. Is that wrong?  Is it wrong to expect your favorite organization to put out a competitive product?

If Bezo’s buys the Washington Commanders, will he improve the product or at least try?….of course he will.

When I was buying albums by teenage band Def Leppard in the early 80’s, I never realized I’d still be enjoying them over 40 years later on radio. The Brew plays them all day long and I love it. The band has survived the test of time.

My love of radio still lives today. Still recall those days in Cumberland, Md listening to WTBO with my brother Gary, trying to win 2 liters of Pepsi. Fifty years later I still listen to my local radio stations. These big satellite radio companies are wasting their time sending me letters and emails and calling me. Faithful to my local DJs Big John and JB Miller on local Kindred and still love The Brew on I Heart. Support local radio.  They support local businesses and bring us entertainment into town. Mike Kirtner of Kindred provides 9 th Street Live and DAWG days and I Heart keeps Pullman Square rocking.

My heart still beats with “mom and pop” grocery stores. They are few and far between. A friend told me she saw Charlie Gadd and he is doing well at 87. Charlie owned Charlie’s Market for years on Route 7 in Proctorville. As kids, we rode our bikes down to get pop and baseball cards. His deli rocked. The service was like dealing with family. Years later,I sold to little stores in the country for Goldsmith Sydnor. That job was great, going in and hanging out with good hardworking people.

The same feeling hit me when I went into Nancy’s Market in Altizer last week. Good quality homemade food and fresh meat along with good conversation. I miss that in today’s hustle and bustle in a Sheetz and Starbuck’s dominated world. Today, I’m going to Morrison’s Market. I’ve heard great things. Very excited, I love mom and pop stores.

Riding a bicycle like I did in the good old days is still a dream of mine. I just don’t the stress of it getting stolen every time I park it for a few minutes.  

My new prayer is that Hal Greer doesn’t turn into 64. If you don’t get what I mean….thing orange cones and years of traffic delays.

Little Debbie and I are no longer on speaking terms but I can’t help wondering what ever happened to Suzy Q. Hadn’t seen the Hostess cake for a couple of years now…..Not that I would eat one now…..lol

Great memories of this time 50 years ago……breaking out the ole baseball glove and hunting for the first pack of Topps Baseball cards of the Spring. That first pack actucally had fresh pink gum. By May the gum was stale.  But come on, who really bought cards for the gum?

Have a great weekend. Chomp on!

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